Our Services

We provide services for your better technological life.

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Software Quality Assurance

We assure the quality of your software by providing SQA (Software Quality Assurance) service. We focus on identifying major issues related to your software.

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Software forensic

By analyzing the source code of your software, we provide software forensics service for your intellectual property.

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Database Migration

We provide Database migration service by migrating your old data from one or more databases to another database or databases.

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Setup Own Hosting

If you are planning to set your own server for you business, Base Software will provide you all necessary services to setup your own hosting server. It will cheap and more secure.

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Cloud Backup Service

Base Software provides wide range of colud srvices with backup and maintainence options.

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Software Upgrade and Maintenance

To ensure updated and bug-free software, Base Software offers software upgrade & maintenance services. We focus on secure and stable software maintenance supports.